"Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share."
1 Timothy 6:18


Vine Maple Place

Vine Maple Place assists families in crisis by helping single parents and their children build lives of hope, stability, and greater economic self-sufficiency. They provide direct support services, which include financial literacy training, employment and livable-wage development, housing case management, counseling and life skills development, and child and youth services to families in and around the Maple Valley community.

Maple Valley Food Bank

The Maple Valley Food Bank works to provide food and emergency services to those in need, and seeks to educate, empower and engage the greater Maple Valley community in solving issues of hunger and nutrition.

Mike Silva International

MSI is an incredible organization that focuses all of its effort on latin speaking countries of the world.  Through compassion aid projects and church partnerships, they work tirelessly to not only solve the physical needs in their communities, but to deliver on spiritual needs by delivering the life changing message of Jesus Christ to tens of thousands through festivals.

The Bridge of Hope

In Africa, The Bridge of Hope has partnered with area leaders to help rebuild community in the surrounding area of Makeni, Sierra Leone. Six churches have been planted and two primary schools have been built which provide jobs for pastors, teachers and staff along with the commitment to educate and feed over 700 children a meal every day in one of the poorest countries in the world.

Adult and Teen Challenge

Adult & Teen Challenge is a non-profit dedicated to putting hope within reach of every person struggling with addiction through long-term residential discipleship. Their comprehensive recovery program is designed to help those struggling with addiction and life controlling issues become healthy and whole in all areas of life: Their program is not only designed to help the individual achieve sobriety, but also to provide a safe place for them to encounter God; creating lasting change and life transformation.

Back Pack Buddies

Backpack Buddies greatly benefits the students in the Tahoma School District. They serve children facing hunger or nutritional insecurity. It can be terrifying and so uncertain for children. It affects them physically, mentally, socially and academically. By simply sending home a bag of food for the weekend, they help provide some nutrition and security, which supports their social and academic performance.

Racial Reconciliation Network

he Racial Reconciliation Network is actively pursuing greater degrees of gospel-centered unity, specifically focused on overcoming racial divisions within the Christian community. They are connecting Christians who have historically been alienated from each other, and intentionally engaging in conversations, fellowship, worship, and doing biblical justice in our communities together. They long to see many more people reconciled to God, as the result of diverse groups of Christians being reconciled to each other.

Greater Maple Valley Young Life

Young Life is a Christian ministry that reaches out to middle school, high school, and college students in all 50 of the United States and in more than 100 countries around the world. Tahoma Young Life partners in the Tahoma Middle Schools and High School to bring the light of Jesus to each kid they come across. Their mission is make each kid known and to show them the love of God through fun and building relationships. 

Corner of Love

Corner of Love is a growing international mission that has been serving Nicaraguans since 1992. Today we care for refugees in Costa Rica, Colombia, Panama, Mexico, Honduras, the United States, and elsewhere, focusing on the needs of displaced families primarily from Venezuela and Nicaragua. They serve more than 30,000 refugees annually by providing services through their mobile medical, dental, and optical clinics, refugee relief centers, and home visitation to vulnerable families nutrition and education programs.

Inspired? Get involved serving with one of our partners!